Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Tuesday 1/30/18

5-minute Isometric exercise:
15 sec 1/2 squat / 15 sec 1/2 pushup

20 rds:  5- pullups / (10) Spider-Man craws w/ pushups

1/31/18 Johnny Grube 5 min Isometric Exercise #2

5- minutes:
1:00 min 1/2 squat / 1:30 sec 1/2 pushup
lasted till 4:45.   Close but no cigar.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Tuesday 1/29/18 Workout & Johnny Grube 5 minute Isometric Exercise #1

5 minute Isometric Exercise
10 second 1/2 squat / 10 second 1/2 pushup

Min 1-10 (8) burpees / min 11/15 (7) burpees
5 rds:  5- pullups / (5) R/5 L forward/backward lunges.

Friday 1/26/18 Workout

5- R/L 1-min hold foot balance
5- 30 sec knee holds
10 rds: 5- ring pullups / 5- dips (2-ladders)
10 burpees
1- min full squat hold (20k)

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Wednesday 1/24/18 Workout

5- 1-min L/R foot stance
5 x 10 R/L knee raises (1/2" blk band.)
5x10  ""          ""            (1/1/8" tan band w/blue)
Using two horse saws for support.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

01/23/2018 Tire Workout

3 rounds: 100 yard forward and backward, (17" Tire)
50 yard L/R tire toss.
Miin 1-5 finger holds (2-20# dbs)
15's -small curls / 1/2 curls / full curls (2-10# dbs)

Monday, January 22, 2018

Monday 1/22/18 Workout

10 rds: 5- ring pullups / 5- burpees w/curl OHP (2-15# dbs)
Min 1-5 (30 sec) finger hold ( 2-15# dbs)
1- min full squat (16k)
1 min OH hold L/R (16k)

Saturday, January 20, 2018

01/20/2018 Workout (Home)

3 rds:  262 bear crawls
Forward skips 0:39-04
Backward skips 1:08-75
min 1-5 (30 sec )finger holds (2-20# dbs)
2- R/L OH Holds (16k)
1-min OH hold (2-12k)
1- min bar hang.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

01/18/18 Workout

10 rds:  5- ring pull ups / 5 burpees
10 rds:  5- R/L side step ups (18" platform) / 5-burpees
MIn 1-5 (30 sec) finger holds.

Monday, January 15, 2018

01/15/18 Workouit

8 rounds: 5-pullups / 100 bear crawls.

Friday, January 12, 2018

01/12/2018 Workout

10 rds: 25- L/R alt. quick steps / 5- box jumps / 5-R/L sitting OHP (12k)

Thursday, January 11, 2018

1/11/2018 Workout

10 rds: 5- ring pullups / 5- SUSU BALL SLAMS. (25#) ball = 50/50
135 bear crawls from inside garage to end of drive way and back.
2- 1 min full squat, offset (12k)  Back straight

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

1/10/2018 Workout

7 rounds: 5- pullups / 100 bear crawls

Monday, January 8, 2018

1/8/2018 Workout

3- 100 Bear craws
10 rds: 5 pullups / 5- burpees.

Friday, January 5, 2018

01/05/2018 Workout

5 rounds: (4) pullups / (5) divebomber pushups // 34 bear crawls //) (5) burpees //(17 lunges walk)

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

01/03/2018 Workout, Basement

20 sets: 3- pullups w/ knees to elbows. / 5 burpees  60/100

Monday, January 1, 2018

01/01/2018 Workout

Min 1-10 -(8) burpees / Min 11-15 (7) burpees
5- rds. (3) pullups / (5) superman pushups (\
WOD in basement.