Wednesday, February 29, 2012

02/29/2012 Workout

Warm up: Animal Flow
Lunge Complex 3 rds: 5-R/L
Wt overhead(2-12k)
Wt front (2-12k)
Zercher (sandbag(35#)
Bag over ea shoulder

5 rds: 5-R/L rotation cleans (sandbag 35#)
Finish: kip pullups: 15-12-9-6-3

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

02/28/2012 Workout

JHashey workout. 5 rds: Complete all exercises right side then continue with left side.
10- (1) arm pullups on small platform w/ row(25#)
10- OHP (RT lunge position holding Resist. band)
10- Bent rows (standing)
10- OHP (standing)
Finished with 10 pullups

Note: This one surprised me. Lost all energy after 3 rds. had to recoup to finish other 2 rds.

Monday, February 27, 2012

02/27/2012 Workout

Made Mobility Warmup video.

Friday, February 24, 2012

02/24/2012 Workouit

10 rds:
5-L-pullups / 5- situp jump up ball slams / 5- C&P& tire slams(tire 48#)
Made "Core Workout" video.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

02/23/2012 Workout

1-arm ropes. 4 positions: stand-kneel-1-arm on floor-plank. 5- Rounds. 10 count each.
2-hands 30 sec.ea;
hammer wave-overhead side to side
hammer wave(kneel - overhead side-side(face rear)

10 pullups.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

02/22/2012 Workout

Course 50 feet:
1-Lunge walk -side ape- 50 squat jumps(arms behind and up)
2-Forward ape- rev.ape-50 squat jumps("""" """" '' '''
3-Rt. Scorpian - Lf. Scorpian- 50 squat jumps "" '""" ""

Monday, February 20, 2012

02/20/2012 Workout

10-1 ladder: Burpees / R/L C&P(20k)
@ 25 minutes

Sunday, February 19, 2012

02/19/12 Workout

10 rds:
5-pullups(12k) /5-R/L (1) arm pushup w/row(25#) / 5-SUJU slams

Animal Flow

Friday, February 17, 2012

02/17/12 Workout

10 rds:
5- ring pullups(12k)/ 10 R/L swings(20k) / 10-1 ladder Snatch/C&P(16k)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

02/15/2012 Workout

Animal Flow
55 burpees @ 3:36

Monday, February 13, 2012

02/13/2012 Workout

Animal Flow
55 Burpees @ 3:48 (28 sec. over)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

02/12/2012 Workout

Animal Flow
5 rds: 5-burpees(2-25#) / 5 pullups(12k)
5 rds: 5- thrusters(2-16k) / 5 pullups (12k)
5 rds: 5-full ext pushups
5 rds- 5-pullup knee kips.

Friday, February 10, 2012

02/10/12 Workout

10 rds: Favorite Pattern
5- pullups(12k) - 10 R/L swings(20k) -5 SuJU slams-10 1 ladder snatch-C&P
Time:38 min.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

02/08/12 Workouit

Animal Flow
10- 1 burpees

Monday, February 6, 2012

02/06/12 Workout

5 -rds: 5- thrusters (2-16k) - 5 pullups (12k)
5 rds: 5- thrusters (2-16k)- pullups; 5 (16k) - 5-(20k) - 5-(24k) - 5-(20k) - 5- (16k)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

02/04/12 Workout

10 rds: 5- thrusters(2-16k) / 5- pullups(16k)
pullups- 2 sets of 1 -16K / 20K / 24K

Thursday, February 2, 2012

02/02/12 Workout

10-1 burpees

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

02/01/12 Workout

10 rds;
5-pullups (12k bell) / 10- R/L swings(20k) /5 suju slams / 5 R/L snatch (20k)(alt ea. round with