5x 5- Sitting pullups/ 5- sitting dips/ 10 Left apes / 10 Rt 10 apes-10 left apes.
5x5 - Sitting pullups w/ feets up going down,(negatives)/ 10 Rt apes-10 left apes.
5x 5- Sitting pullups/ 5- sitting dips/ 10 Left apes / 10 Rt 10 apes-10 left apes.
5x5 - Sitting pullups w/ feets up going down,(negatives)/ 10 Rt apes-10 left apes.
15 x 10 spiderman crawls w/ pushups. 150 each
15 x 3 curls / OHP (2- 15# dbs) 45
50 ft 2" rope
55 yards 16" tire, pull R/L forward. alt pulls / return pull backward.
50 foot Pull rope only Left/ pull right.
push tire 40 yard up / push tire back :))
Walk up/back driveway (2)-10 1/2 # finger hold (round weight)
Walk up/back driveway (2)-10 1/2# finger hold w/curls
50 ft 2" rope: On hands & feet (3) John Brookfield - YouTube
Straddle feet; Left hand, pull rope under you/ Right hand same.
As above; left pull away from you / Right hand same.
As above pull to right / Same to left
One rope: wave / hook punches L/R
(1)- Rope Workout: 5 x 20 seconds per minute:
L/R alternate wave
Double hold wave
R/L Hook punch
(2)- 5 x 3 rolling deck/curl-slams (25# ball)
(3)- 15 minutes: 3-burpees w/ curl / slam per minute.