Sunday, March 27, 2011

03/27/11 Workout

5-pullups- 5 R/L T-pushups (2-25# dbs)-10 alt swings(20k)-10-R/L snatchs(16k)
Same as above except 9 R/L C&P
Alt between snatch and press

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

03/22/11 Workout

5 rds:
5-pullup-5 pike pushups-5 goblet squats(24 k)-10 2h swings (24K)
5 rds:
5 pullups- 5-R/L split burpees-10-2h swings

Monday, March 21, 2011

03/21/11 Workout

5 pullups-10 elev.fist pushups-5 goblet squats(20k)-10 alt swings(20K)-10 R/L snatchs (16K)
Continue alt between snatchs and C&P from 10 to 1

Friday, March 18, 2011

03/18/11 Workout

20 sets:
5 pullups- 10 pushups- 15 squats
Time: 27 miniutes.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

03/17/11 Workout


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

03/16/11 Workout

5-pullups-10 elev.fist pushups-5 R/L thrusters (20k)-10 alt swings(20k)-10 R/L snatchs
Same as above but continue snatchs 10 to 1 laddering.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

03/13/11 Workout

5 pullups-10 weight burpees (2-25# dbs)
Continue burpees 10 to 1
finish with 50 feet R/L OH farmer walk (24K)

Friday, March 11, 2011

03/11/11 Workout

5-pullups-10 elev.fist pushups-5-R/L thruster(20k)-10 alt swings(20K) 10 R/L snatchs
same as above but continue 10-1 R/L snatch sequence down to one.
Finish workout with 50 feet R/L OH farmer walk (20K)
Total reps: 5o pullups
100 elev fist pushups
50 R/L thrusters
100 alt swings
55 R/L snatchs.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

03/09/11 Workout

5 -pullups / 10 elev. fist pushups/5- goblet squats(20k)/10 R/L snatchs(16k)
Same as above except 9 R/L C&P
Continue down to 1 alt between snatchs and C&P

Monday, March 7, 2011

03/07/11 Quick workout

55 burpees.