Wednesday, April 29, 2009

04/29/09 Worout

Windmills- 2-26# kbs. 20 R / L
Ring pullups- 35 x 3
Snatchs -36# kb- 3 x 10 R / L

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

04/28/09 Workout

Horizontal Power. 3 rounds

Monday, April 27, 2009

04/27/09 Workout

Took small vacation 4/23-4/26
Rounds in 20 minutes:
17 rds @ 18:27. Not bad for not doing these for a month.
21's- 2- sets

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

04/21/09 Workout

21's-5 rds- curls/
21's - rds - ohp
Hanging leg raises 5 x 5

Monday, April 20, 2009

04/20/09 Workout

Fatburner 4-count- 1
55-Burpees @ 3:46
100 pullups @ 20 minutes
5 x 10 C&P 36# kb R/L
5 x 10 snatch R / L

Thursday, April 16, 2009

04/16/09 Workout

21's curls/ ohp
5 x 10 R/L snatchs, 36#
R-band pulls /twists. 3 x 10

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

04/15/09 Workout

Burpees 55 @ 3:55
Standing rollouts/ hanging knee to elbows. 10 x 3
SUGU,(2-15# dbs)/R-band pulls/ R-band R/L twists. 5 x 5
SUGU, (2-20# dbs( R-band pulls / R-band RL twists 5 x 5
Pullups 5 x 5

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

04/14/09 Workout

55 burpees @ 3:38

5 rds of 21's curls/ohp/ squats

Monday, April 13, 2009

04/13/09 Workout

55 burpees @ 3:33 = PR hooooraaa\
10 rds:
3 pullups/ 3 elevated pushups/ 3 elev pike pushups

10 rds:
10 R/ 10 L snatchs 36# kb @ 15:58

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

04/08/09 Workout

55 burpees @ 3:44
10 rds of :
3 pullups/ 3- elev.pushups / 3- spike pushups
10 rds of:
10 R/ L snatchs-36# kb

Monday, April 6, 2009

04/06/09 Workout

100 feet lunge walk / 21 pushups / 21 situps
100 feet lunge walk / 18 "" :: / 18 ""
"" "" """"" / 15 "'' / 15
'' '''' ''''''' / 12 """" "" / 12
" "" """ / 9 """""" / 9
"" """ "" / 6 """ / 6

Time : 21:20

Friday, April 3, 2009

04/03/09 Workout

8 rds:
5 pullups / 5- fullbody workout w/2-15# dbs.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Made Sliders video.